Full Circle Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Clive IA Chiropractic And Massage

Chiropractic and Massage In Clive IA

Chiropractic and Massage In Clive IA Chiropractic and Massage: The Sensible Combination I have heard some controversy on these two services being combined or whether they should be completely separate. My feeling on the subject is as a Clive IA chiropractor, these two should absolutely be combined. Whether the order of the two services is…

Chiropractic Clive IA Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Benefits of Massage Therapy In Clive IA

Benefits of Massage Therapy In Clive IA Massage therapy, in my opinion as a Clive IA chiropractor, should be a part of every person’s wellness plan. The general benefits of massage make it worthwhile to everyone. The most popular reason people want to get a massage is for general relaxation. Who doesn’t want to be…

Chiropractic Clive IA Benefits And Risks Of Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage Benefits and Risks In Clive IA

Prenatal Massage Benefits and Risks In Clive IA I hear a lot of uneasy feelings when it comes to massage during pregnancy, especially in the early weeks of pregnancy, and as a Clive IA chiropractor I want to clear some of the uncertainties up for everyone. I am writing this post mainly because it hits…

Chiropractic Clive IA Causes And Treatments For Sciatica

Sciatica – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments In Clive IA

Sciatica – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments In Clive IA What are some of the causes of sciatica? Traditionally at Clive IA chiropractic clinic, the most common cause of sciatic pain is lumbar or sacroiliac subluxation. Others include herniated lumbar disc, degenerative disc disease, piriformis syndrome, lumbar spinal stenosis, pregnancy, scar tissue, muscle strain, and infection.…

Chiropractic Clive IA Neck Pain Symptoms And Treatments

Neck Pain – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments In Clive IA

Neck Pain – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments In Clive IA What are some of the causes of neck pain? There are many causes of neck pain – especially in today’s society. Every day, patients at Clive IA chiropractic clinic experience things from car accidents to micro-traumas that occur at their desks. We see a lot…

Chiropractic Clive IA Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chiropractic Care In Clive IA

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chiropractic Care In Clive IA What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel? At Clive IA chiropractic clinic we have noticed that as many patients continue to work more in an office setting, the increase in carpal tunnel symptoms has increased. Usually, the hallmark signs of carpal tunnel syndrome are numbness and…